Program Listings  

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University of California, Los Angeles, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics by distance
  1. [LAT2025] Mathematics, Diversity, IPAM-LATMATH (2025/02/07 12:00AM*)
  2. [RIPS2025] mathematics, statistics, computer science, Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) (2025/02/03 11:59PM*)
University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Mathematics by distance
  1. [DHBSRI] Mathematics/Computer Science, David Harold Blackwell Summer Research Institute (2025/02/01 11:59PM*)
Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (formerly MSRI) by distance
  1. [ADJOINT] Mathematics, ADJOINT 2025 (2025/02/04 11:59PM)
  2. [ADJOINT2] Mathematics, Self-ADJOINT 2025 (2025/02/04 11:59PM)
Texas A&M University, Department of Mathematics by distance
  1. [PDESCHOOL25] Mathematical Modeling, PDEs, Numerical Analysis, Undergraduate Summer School on Modeling and Simulation with PDEs (2025/02/14 11:59PM)
University of Minnesota Twin Cities, School of Mathematics by distance
  1. [REU] Machine learning, neural network, group theory, Equivariant Neural Network REU (2025/02/09 11:59PM)
University of Chicago, Math/PSD by distance
  1. [REU] Mathematics, University of Chicago Mathematics REU (2025/02/09 11:59PM*)
University of Notre Dame, Department of Mathematics by distance
  1. [2025CMNDGRADPD] Topology and Algebraic Geometry, Graduate Student - Postdoc Week in Topology and Algebraic Geometry (2025/03/31 11:59PM)
  2. [2025CMNDCONF] Topology & Algebraic Geometry, International Conference on Topology & Algebraic Geometry (2025/03/31 11:59PM)
  3. [2025CMNDUG] Topology and Algebraic Geometry, Undergraduate Workshop in Topology and Algebraic Geometry (2025/03/31 11:59PM)
The EDGE Foundation by distance
  1. [EDGE2025] EDGE 2025 Summer Program (2025/02/14 11:59PM)
University of Michigan, Mathematics by distance
  1. [UMREU] Mathematics, 2025 Mathematics REU Program - University of Michigan (accepting applications)
West Virginia University, School of Mathematical and Data Sciences/Research Experiences for Undergraduates by distance
  1. [REU] Pure and Applied Mathematics, Undergraduate Research in Applied Analysis (2025/03/01 11:59PM)
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Carnegie Mellon University, Mathematical Sciences by distance
  1. [PHD] Various, Ph.D. in Mathematics (2024/12/20 11:59PM)
  2. [REUSHD] Applied Math, REU: Sampling in High Dimensions (2025/02/15 11:59PM)
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Mathematical Congress of the Americas by distance
  1. [LA] Travel Support for Non-US/Canadian Participants (deadline 2024/09/08 11:59PM)
Duke University, Department of Mathematics by distance
  1. [DRS] Mathematics, Duke Research Scholars (deadline 2024/10/19 11:59PM)
  2. [PRUV2025] Mathematics, Program for Research for Undergraduates (PRUV) 2025
North Carolina State University, Mathematics by distance
  1. [NCSTATEDRUMS] mathematics, statistics, Summer 2025 REU (2025/02/15 11:59PM)
James Madison University, Mathematics and Statistics by distance
  1. [REU] Biomath, Data Science, Topology, and Analysis, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (2025/02/24 11:59PM)
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ICM 2026 Satellite Events Committee by distance
  1. [ICM26SAT] ICM2026 Satellite Event
Institute for Advanced Study, School of Mathematics by distance
  1. [WAM25] Convexity and Combinatorics in Algebraic Geometry, Women+ and Mathematics 2025: Convexity and Combinatorics in Algebraic Geometry (2025/02/14 11:59PM*)
IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute by distance
  1. [GSS2025] Graduate Summer School 2025 (2025/01/15 11:59PM)
  2. [PCMIRFP] Mathematics, PCMI Research Topic Proposal (2025/01/31 11:59PM)
  3. [RP2025] Research Program 2025 (2025/01/15 11:59PM)
  4. [UFP2025] Undergraduate Faculty Program 2025 (2025/01/15 11:59PM)
  5. [USS2025] Undergraduate Summer School 2025 (2025/01/31 11:59PM)
  6. [WRM2025] Workshop on Rehumanizing Mathematics 2025 (2025/01/15 11:59PM)
Institute for Advanced Study, School of Mathematics by distance
  1. [SC25] 2025 Summer Collaborators (2024/12/10 11:59PM*)
Baruch College (CUNY), Mathematics by distance
  1. [REU25] Discrete Mathematics and related, NYC Discrete Math REU (2025/02/14 11:59PM)
Williams College, Mathematics and Statistics by distance
  1. [SMALL2025] Mathematics, Williams College SMALL 2025 REU (2025/02/03 11:59PM)
  2. [SMALL2025CHIPFIRINGGAMESGRAPHS] Mathematics, Williams College SMALL 2025 REU CHIP-FIRING GAMES ON GRAPHS (2025/02/03 11:59PM)
  3. [SMALL2025NUMBERTHEORYPROBABILITY] Mathematics, Williams College SMALL 2025 REU NUMBER THEORY AND PROBABILITY (2025/02/03 11:59PM*)
  4. [SMALL2025OPTIMALCONTROL] Mathematics, Williams College SMALL 2025 Optimal Control (2025/02/03 11:59PM)
  5. [POLYMATHREU2025] Mathematics, Polymath Jr-REU2025 (2025/04/01 11:59PM*)
Yale University - Mathematics Department, SUMRY Program by distance
  1. [SUMRY] Mathematics, Yale University SUMRY REU 2025 (2025/02/03 11:59PM)
Association for Women in Mathematics by distance
  1. [ESSAY25] 2025 AWM/MfA Essay Contest (2025/02/01 11:59PM*)
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American Mathematical Society, Programs and Travel Grants by distance
  1. [AYSP25] AMS Young Scholars Program (2025/01/22 11:59PM*)
  2. [CHINA25] AMS China Exchange Program: Ky and Yu-Fen Fan Fund Travel Grants (2025/03/31 11:59PM*)

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