Institute for Advanced Study, School of Mathematics
Program ID: IAS-WAM25 [#1684]Program Title: Women+ and Mathematics 2025: Convexity and Combinatorics in Algebraic Geometry
Program Type: Other
Program Location: Princeton, New Jersey 08540, United States of America
Subject Area: Convexity and Combinatorics in Algebraic Geometry
Application Deadline: 2025/02/14 11:59PM

Program Description:
program Description
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Lisa Simonyi, the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), the Minerva Research Foundation, the Robert S. Hillas Fund and the Princeton University Department of Mathematics, Women+ and Mathematics (W+AM) is an annual program with the mission to recruit and retain more women in mathematics. W+AM aims to counter the initial imbalance of those entering mathematics training as well as the higher attrition rate of female and underrepresented groups of mathematicians at every critical transition stage in mathematical careers. W+AM encourages mathematicians to form collaborative research relationships and to become active in a vertical mentoring network spanning a continuum from undergraduates to emeriti professors, which provides support and reduces the sense of isolation experienced by many underrepresented groups in mathematics. While there are a number of programs targeted solely at undergraduates, or graduate students, or postdocs, very few programs provide the depth and breadth that come from simultaneously including features tailored for undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers from a broad spectrum of US institutions, all in one united community of scholars, as W+AM does.
This year's program will take place May 18-23, 2025, on the topic of Convexity and Combinatorics in Algebraic Geometry; see for detailed course descriptions.
There are three levels of participants:
undergraduate students
graduate students
postdoctoral researchers and faculty
- Shared lodging in apartments on or near the IAS campus.
- All meals
- Reimbursement for travel
- A childcare fund has been created to cover costs of dependent child care, so participants with children can more easily attend the program. More information can be found at
Prerequisites (for both courses):
Terng Lecture: Linear algebra and some exposure to each of algebra, combinatorics, graph theory, and probability
Uhlenbeck Lecture: Exposure to combinatorics and graph theory, and a semester of algebraic geometry or algebraic topology
Undergraduates and Beginner Graduate Students must submit a transcript. Advanced Graduate Students and Postdocs do not have to submit a transcript.
Application Materials Required:
- Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
- Curriculum Vitae
- **Unofficial Transcript
- Reference letter (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
Further Info:
- (609) 734-8100
- Women+ and Mathematics
Institute for Advanced Study
Einstein Drive
Princeton, New Jersey 08540