American Mathematical Society, Programs and Travel Grants

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  1. [BIRMAN25] The Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars
  2. [CENT25] AMS Centennial Fellowship
  3. [CLAYGIL25] AMS Claytor-Gilmer Fellowship
  4. [GSTG25] Graduate Student Travel Grants to 2025 JMM (2024/10/17 11:59PM*)
  5. [ICM26EARLY] ICM 2026 Travel Support Program for Mathematicians from Developing Countries - Early Career (July 2018-July 2028 PhD recipients) (2024/11/20 11:59PM*)
  6. [ICM26MIDLATE] ICM 2026 Travel Support Program for Mathematicians from Developing Countries - Mid/Late Career (completed the PhD before July 2018) (2024/11/20 11:59PM*)
  7. [PUIF25] PUI Faculty Travel Grant Program to 2025 JMM (2024/10/17 11:59PM*)
  8. [STEFBERG25] Stefan Bergman Fellowship
  9. [UGPO25] Undergraduate Travel Grants to JMM 2025 (2024/10/17 11:59PM*)

(9 programs listed)