ICM 2026 Satellite Events Committee

164 1607Program ID: ICM2026-ICM26SAT [#1607]
Program Title: ICM2026 Satellite Event
Program Type: Other
Program Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 27708, United States of America
Application Deadline: (posted 2024/02/06, listed until 2025/12/31)
Program Description:    

program Description

On behalf of the International Mathematical Union, we invite and encourage proposals for “Satellite Conferences” and other possible events to be associated with the upcoming International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM). We hope to encourage a blossoming of activity across the continent to amplify the impact of the ICM.

Such conferences and events should take place between May and September 2026, hence within a couple months of the ICM itself and be held in North America. Proposed conferences should involve an international perspective on some aspect of the mathematical sciences. Diversity of participants is strongly encouraged. Organizers should seek sponsorship/funding for their events, as we cannot provide financial support for satellite activities.

We welcome events hosted at universities, research institutes, and scientific organizations across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Conference themes should have a nexus to scientific areas covered by the ICM. Information about potential sources of funding - awards, internal resources, and registration fees - will be considered by the committee. Satellite events will occur between May and September 2026.

Proposals should be submitted here (add a  link) and provide the following data:
  • title, location, and date(s) of the conference or event;
  • brief description of the event’s theme and topics; 
  • organizers and designated representative;
  • description of the funding model; 
  • when appropriate, a list of speakers (to be) invited or who have committed to present; 
  • conference or event website URL, if available.
Proposals will be assessed by the committee, in consultation with ad hoc experts, according to the following criteria:
  • scientific quality and interest of the proposed theme and topics; 
  • sponsors’ and organizers’ past conference or event experience;
  • international and diverse participation, as reflected by the diversity of presenters and organizers; 
  • geographical location of the proposed event;
  • schedule proximity to ICM 2026.
Note that the committee seeks the widest possible range of mathematical topics held at sites throughout North America.  

While ICM 2026 does not provide financial support for satellite activities, it will issue a formal acceptance letter which may be provided to prospective funding agencies when applying for such assistance. 

Proposal Submission Timeframes:
Starting date:   March 1,  2024
Ending date: December 31, 2025
There will be three Decision Dates:
Decision Date 1: November 30, 2024
Decision Date 2: May 31, 2025
Decision Date 3: January 31, 2026 

Timely transmission of proposals is requested and early submissions are encouraged. Benefits include earlier decisions and priority on conference themes. Proposers will be informed of the committee’s decision when it has been reached. An updated list of approved satellite conferences will be posted on this website after each of the decision dates listed above.