List of Currently Registered Institutions   []

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MathPrograms.Org was officially launched in July, 2009. In the last 12 months, 73 institutions from 29 states in 2 countries have used the service for 241 ads (with 13 ads-only, 65 encouraging URMs to apply, and 89 posted in the last 2 months; viewed 407344 times); 52115 unique users have logged in; 1200 applicants have been in the Minority Registry; 27342 have registered as new applicants (with 9049 in the last 2 months) or updated their profiles; 11498 applicants have uploaded 47300 new documents; 15023 applicants have submitted 24364 new applications (with 4819 in the last 2 months,) with an average of 1.62 programs applied per applicant; 21359 reference writers have used the system, with 12185 reference writers uploaded 16307 new letters.
  1. American Mathematical Society, AMS Prizes and Awards
  2. American Mathematical Society, Fellows of the AMS
  3. American Mathematical Society, Mathematics Research Communities (1)
  4. American Mathematical Society, Meetings and Conferences (4)
  5. American Mathematical Society, Programs and Travel Grants (3)
  6. Association for Women in Mathematics (4)
  7. Baruch College (CUNY), Mathematics (1)
  8. Boston University, PROMYS (1)
  9. Brin Mathematics Research Center (1)
  10. Brown University, Applied Math
  11. Brown University, Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (1)
  12. Carnegie Mellon University, Mathematical Sciences (3)
  13. Central Washington University, Department of Mathematics
  14. Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (1)
  15. Columbia University, Department of Mathematics
  16. Duke University, Department of Mathematics (3)
  17. The EDGE Foundation (3)
  18. Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Mathematics
  19. IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute (6)
  20. ICM 2026 Satellite Events Committee (1)
  21. Indiana University, Mathematics (1)
  22. Institute for Advanced Study, School of Mathematics (1)
  23. International Mathematical Union
  24. Iowa State University, Department of Mathematics (2)
  25. James Madison University, Mathematics and Statistics (1)
  26. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Special Programs
  27. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT PRIMES (Program for Research in Mathematics, Engineering and Science for High School Students) (3)
  28. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Summer Geometry Initiative (1)
  29. Mathematical Association of America, MAA Project NExT
  30. Mathematical Congress of the Americas
  31. North Carolina State University, Mathematics (1)
  32. Oregon State University, Mathematics (1)
  33. PZ Math, PZ Math - PZMC
  34. Ross Mathematics Foundation, Ross Mathematics Program (2)
  35. Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (formerly MSRI) (2)
  36. SUNY Potsdam, Clarkson/SUNY Potsdam REU in Mathematics (1)
  37. Texas A&M University, Department of Mathematics (1)
  38. Texas A&M University-Commerce, Mathematics
  39. University of California, Irvine, Department of Mathematics (1)
  40. University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Mathematics (3)
  41. University of California, Los Angeles, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (3)
  42. University of Chicago, Math/PSD (1)
  43. University of Connecticut, Department of Mathematics
  44. University of Illinois at Chicago, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
  45. University of Michigan, Mathematics (1)
  46. University of Minnesota Duluth, Department of Mathematics and Statistics (1)
  47. University of Minnesota Twin Cities, School of Mathematics (1)
  48. University of Notre Dame, Department of Mathematics (3)
  49. University of Utah, Department of Mathematics
  50. Vanderbilt University, Department of Mathematics
  51. West Virginia University, School of Mathematical and Data Sciences/Research Experiences for Undergraduates (1)
  52. Williams College, Mathematics and Statistics (5)
  53. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Mathematical Sciences Department (1)
  54. Yale University - Mathematics Department, SUMRY Program (1)
  55. York College (CUNY), Mathematics & Computer Science
(‡ 72 active program ads)