American Mathematical Society, Programs and Travel Grants

1 1558Program ID: AMS-AMSPUIRES24 [#1558]
Program Title: AMS-Simons Research Enhancement Grants for Primarily Undergraduate Institution (PUI) Faculty
Program Type: Fellowship or grant
Program Location: various locations, United States of America
Application Deadline: 2024/03/20 1:59PMhelp popup** finished (2024/01/09, finished 2024/07/25, listed until 2024/03/20)
Program Description:    

*** this program has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

AMS-Simons Research Enhancement Grants for Primarily Undergraduate Institution (PUI) Faculty

With generous funding from the Simons Foundation; the American Mathematical Society (AMS); and Eve, Kirsten, Lenore, and Ada of the Menger family, the AMS is pleased to offer research enhancement grants for mathematicians employed full-time at primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs), i.e., institutions that do not confer doctoral degrees in mathematics. In support of the AMS's continuing efforts to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in the mathematical research enterprise, we strongly encourage and welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds and experiences. The AMS is committed to selecting at least 40 researchers per year from PUIs that reflect the diversity of the mathematics community. 

Who is eligible?

Mathematicians with an active research program employed full-time in tenured or tenure-track positions at PUIs in the United States are eligible to apply. For the purpose of this program, PUI institutions are those that do not confer doctoral degrees in mathematics. Additionally, to be eligible, applicants must have earned a PhD degree at least five years before the start of the grant. For the 2024 application cycle, that is prior to August 1, 2019.

The applicant's research must be in a disciplinary research area supported by the Division of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation. Faculty with appointments solely in statistics departments are not eligible. The intended awardees will not concurrently hold external research funding exceeding $3,000 per year and will not be in residence at a National Science Foundation institute. Additionally, no more than two applicants will be awarded from the same institution each application cycle.

What will this grant provide?

Each year for three years, awardees will receive $3,000 to support research-related activities. Annual discretionary funds for an awardee’s department and administrative funds for an awardee's institution will be available to institutions that administer the grant on behalf of the AMS. No additional institutional overhead or indirect costs will be covered with these award funds.

What is the timeline for this grant?

Applications will be accepted January 9-March 18, 2024 (11:59 p.m. EDT). Applicants will be notified of their status in late June 2024. Funds will be disbursed in August 2024.

Required Materials:

1. MathPrograms Application. The application will ask for background information related to grant eligibility, as well as for your ORCiD number. Please note that your personal information, such as contact information, will be received through your Coversheet in MathPrograms, and that you are expected to review this information before submitting your application. 

2. Cover Letter. In this cover letter (up to one page) you will describe how you expect the award to have an impact on your research and on your development as a mathematician. The cover letter should include information on factors affecting research productivity, such as teaching loads, significant institutional or departmental duties, and features of the student population and type of institution. You may also wish to address any special circumstances not addressed elsewhere in the application, including but not limited to career interruptions.

3. NSF-style biographical sketchThis document should be at most three pages and include the following sections.  
  1. a. Professional preparation  

  2. b. Appointments 

  3. c. Products (at most five products most closely related to the proposed research) 

  4. d. Other significant products (at most five products, whether or not related to the proposed project) 

  5. e. Synergistic activities (at most five specific activities that demonstrate the broader impact of the individual’s professional and scholarly activities)  

To create the NSF-style biographical sketch, visit, log into your NSF account, follow the prompts in the walk-through form, select "Create new document," choose the "NSF Biographical Sketch" format, and download the PDF.

4. Summary of previous research. This summary (up to one page) should describe your past research results.

5. Research proposal. This proposal should be at most three pages (including references) and describe the research goals and/or objectives and the potential for the proposed work to add new knowledge and impact the profession. You should include potential collaborators and geographic locations where the work will be conducted. Applicants are encouraged to indicate in the project description the extent to which, if any, generative AI technology was used and how it was used to develop their proposal.

6. NSF-style summary of current and pending support. To create an NSF Current and Pending Support document, visit, log into your NSF account, follow the prompts in the walk-through form, select "Create new document," choose the "NSF Current and Pending (Other) Support" format, and download the PDF. In the statement, note all current research funding, including end dates, and all pending research support. If you do not have current or pending support, please upload a document stating "No current or pending support." 

7. Budget statement. This two-page statement (see the fillable template) should detail the anticipated expenses and their connection to the outcomes described in the research proposal. If the application is successful, the budget can be updated with approval from AMS Programs staff. 

8. Institutional verification. This prompt in the application will send an email to the administrator at your institution (preferably a representative in your office of sponsored programs or equivalent) who can coordinate the administration of your award if your application is successful.

There is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on the AMS website. Please contact AMS Programs staff if you need a different format for any of the documents or if you have any additional questions.

The deadline for submission of 2024 applications is MARCH 18, 2024, 11:59 p.m. EST.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Cover letter (up to 1 page) help popup
  • NSF-Style Biographical Sketch (up to 3 pages) help popup
  • Summary of Previous Research (up to 1 page) help popup
  • Research Proposal (up to 3 pages, including bibliography) help popup
  • NSF-Style Current and Pending Research Support (up to 5 pages) help popup
  • Budget Statement (up to 2 pages) help popup
  • Institutional Verification (to be submitted online by your institutions or supporters)
And anything else requested in the program description.

Further Info:
email address
Programs Department
American Mathematical Society
201 Charles Street
Providence, RI 02904