Carnegie Mellon University, Mathematical Sciences

49 1727Program ID: 49-REUSUAMI [#1727]
Program Title: Summer Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute
Program Type: Undergraduate program
Program Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, United States of America
Subject Areas: Knot theory, Graph theory, Formal theorem proving, Numerical methods
Starting Date: 2025/05/27
Stipend: $5,600
Application Deadline: 2025/02/15 11:59PMhelp popup (posted 2025/01/02)
Program Description:   URMs  

program Description

The Summer Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute (SUAMI) is an eight-week summer research program for undergraduate students. The program will be held on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University from May 27 through July 19, 2025.

The goals of SUAMI are twofold: (1) to expose students to the nature, culture, and rigors of research in pure and applied mathematics by working on a research project in collaboration with other program participants with faculty and postdoctoral mentors; (2) to give the students a taste of the graduate school experience to help them make a more informed decision on whether they should attend graduate school, as well as inform them about other possible career paths in mathematics. SUAMI is part of the Summer Scholars Program run by the Mellon College of Science (MCS) at Carnegie Mellon, and SUAMI students will have opportunities to participate in the academic, cultural, and social programs of the larger MCS summer community.

In 2025, SUAMI will feature projects in knot theory, graph theory, formal theorem proving, and numerical methods. More information about the projects and mentors will be posted at the SUAMI homepage.

We are particularly interested in including women and individuals from other groups underrepresented in higher mathematics. Demographic information will not be used to evaluate individual submissions but will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of efforts to promote diversity and expand access to underrepresented communities. Your application should include a statement (at most two pages in length) that explains
Applications should also include a transcript, CV.  Up to two letters of reference may be included, but are not required.

Participating students will receive a $5,600 stipend, on-campus housing, a meal allowance, and reimbursement for domestic round-trip travel to and from Pittsburgh.

The application deadline is February 15.  Late applications may be considered until all spots in the program are filled.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Copy of your transcript
  • Reference letter (optional) (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the program description.

Further Info:
email address
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213