The EDGE Foundation

Program ID: EDGE-RUSKAI [#1611]
Program Title: Ruskai Research Fund
Program Type: Fellowship or grant
Program Location: Claremont, California 91711, United States of America
Starting Date: 2024/06/01
Stipend: $5,000
Application Deadline: 2024/04/15 11:59PMhelp popup finished (2024/02/13, finished 2024/08/05)
Program Description:    

*** this program has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

program Description

With a generous bequest from the estate of Mary Beth Ruskai, The EDGE Foundation will establish The Mary Beth Ruskai Research Fund for Women. Every year, two grants of $5,000 are awarded for a 12-month grant period for women in the mathematical sciences to advance their research careers through travel, collaboration, or other activities. The scope of these grants reflects Beth’s commitment to women and to interdisciplinary work.



Grants are available to women mathematical scientists. Women doing mathematical work in other fields (theoretical physics, physical chemistry, engineering, computer science, quantum information theory, etc) are eligible. Neither a formal degree in mathematics nor an affiliation with an academic institution are necessary to apply. Eligible applicants must be based in the United States.


This grant is intended to support the research advancement of women who are not well established and/or are pursuing mathematical research somewhere other than a major research university. Applicants without access to travel and/or research funds from their institution or other sources will be prioritized by the selection committee.


Women who have received support from this fund during the past five years are not eligible.


Women from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. Additionally, women who are not based at a major research university are encouraged to apply.



The award consists of $5,000 to support the grantee’s research. Valid expenses include travel for research collaboration or conferences, participation in workshops which offer good opportunities for research interactions, or other support for research activities.


If the funds are paid directly to the grantee, they will be counted as taxable income. Alternatively, the EDGE Foundation is able to disburse the funds as reimbursements (non-taxable) or partner with the grantee’s institution to administer grant funds.


Reporting Requirements:

A narrative report on the outcomes of the grant and how the funds were spent must be submitted via email to no later than 60 days following the end of the one-year grant period.



The application consists of the following:

• Rationale for Funding Needs. (1-2 pages)

If funding for conference attendance is requested, please provide information about the conference and anticipated costs.

• Research Description (Up to 2 pages, not including citations)

• Curriculum vitae (Up to 2 pages)

• Budget Outline (Up to 1 page)

• Current and pending funding support


Applications are submitted through



Applications are due April 15, 2024.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Cover letter
  • Rationale for Funding Needs (1-2 pages)
  • Research Description (Up to 2 pages)
  • Budget Outline (Up to 1 page)
  • Current and pending funding support
  • Curriculum Vitae (Up to 2 pages)
And anything else requested in the program description.

Further Info:
email address
1515 Bates Place
Claremont, CA 91711