American Mathematical Society, Programs and Travel Grants
Program Title: AMS Young Scholars Program
Program Type: High school program
Program Location: Rhode Island, United States of America
Application Deadline: 2024/01/24 11:59PM

Program Description: *** this program has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
program Description
AMS Young Scholars Program supported by the Epsilon Fund was established to help support summer mathematics programs for mathematically talented high school students. The goal of the program is to aid and promote programs that support and nurture mathematically talented youth in the United States, and to make these opportunities available to a broad pool of mathematically talented students. Although we hope that this will motivate students to pursue a career in mathematics, the real purpose is to help create a body of individuals who have struggled with challenging mathematics and developed an appreciation for and confidence in their ability to take on rigorous intellectual pursuits.
AMS Young Scholars Program seeks to fund programs that follow the basic model that has proved so successful in the past: the programs should run over a period of multiple weeks during the summer, bring in at least twenty high school students with mathematical talent, and generally be directed by mathematicians.
Within these broad guidelines, many different models of programs are considered eligible and are welcome to apply. Programs may focus on any area of mathematics, pure or applied, and be of narrow or broad scope, or they may be specifically targeted to one high school year (e.g., 9th graders), or to mathematically talented women or minorities. Programs that concentrate on problem solving or mathematical research or both are welcome to apply as well. Even "summer" is not a firm requirement, though it is expected that most, if not all, will take place during the summer. Programs that use undergraduate or graduate students along with mathematicians in their teaching are particularly encouraged.
We recognize that there is no magic formula that makes the best mathematics programs. That said, our first and main objective is to support programs that are most successful in nourishing mathematically talented youth.
Programs that have run successfully for at least one year are given preference for funding over new programs. The selection committee, in an effort to encourage new programs, would like to be as flexible as possible with the understanding that funds are limited and recently begun programs will have to show evidence of a good fit between their plans and the mission of the AMS Young Scholars Program. All programs are encouraged to make an extra effort to attract members of underrepresented groups. It is our belief that true mathematical talent lives in students in rural areas as well as cities, in students of both genders and of all colors.
Funding for the AMS Young Scholars Program awards is set at a minimum award of $2,500 for mature programs. This amount is generally unrestricted. The normal award levels should be between $5,000 and $15,000 with the $5,000 level for promising experiments that need encouragement, with the intent that half of each award should be earmarked for scholarships and half for general support of the program. Awards are normally for one summer only; a new application can be made each year for support. Please note that no indirect costs will be covered by this grant.
To receive an award, applicant programs for 2024 must have a proven track record of at least one year in operation and preferably more. Programs must be physically located in the United States.
It is expected that award notifications will be made by March 1, 2024. Notification of awards will contain any restrictions on the use of the funds and instructions on reporting. A final report will be required.
Awards will also be announced in a spring issue of Notices of the AMS.
1) One page Cover letter - this letter should contain all important basic data about the program such as:
a)Program Name
b)Institution that sponsors the program
c)Program's URL
d)Deadline for applications for your program to be held in 2024
e)Number of students expected to enroll in summer 2024
f)total program budget
g)Amount of tuition and fees to be paid by each student (for a student who does not receive financial aid)
h)length of program (in weeks).
2) Two page Program Details Letter - this letter should contain the following information describing:
a)the program, what distinguishes it from other summer programs
b)the mathematics at the program
c)briefly the logistics of the program
d)what the program has done in the past (if not a new program)
e)plans for diversity
f)finances and how the Young Scholars Program award will be used
g)what funding the program has received in the past (if any)
3) Optional Recommendation Letter - this letter should come from somebody NOT currently working in the program, e.g., an outside faculty or past alumni. You can, instead, provide the name of a reference person in the programs details letter that you need to upload.
The AMS web site features a list of active summer programs for mathematically talented high school students, Please consider adding your program to the Opportunities site. The AMS also provides a webpage for math camp directors who wish to receive partial funding for their math camp through the AMS Young Scholars Program supported by the Epsilon Fund, Please provide these web addresses in the publicity brochure or web site for your program, if possible. If everyone does so, all programs will benefit.
Application Materials Required:
- Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
- Cover letter
- Program Details
- Reference letter (optional) (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
- And anything else requested in the program description.
Further Info:
- 401-455-4060
- American Mathematical Society
Programs Department
201 Charles St.
Providence, RI 02904