WPI Research Experience for Undergraduates
in Industrial Mathematics and Statistics May 28, 2023 - July 28, 2023 Pending support from the National Science Foundation, students work in teams on real problems that come directly from business and industry. They work closely with a company representative to define the problem and to develop solutions of immediate value to the company. They are guided by a faculty advisor to maintain a clear focus on the mathematical issues at the core of the project. The REU program at WPI will answer questions like: What is the role of a mathematician in business and industry? What is it like to work with technical experts on a problem that requires significant mathematics but also must satisfy real-world
constraints? Pending funding, each
participant will receive a $5000 stipend and housing for the program, along
with support to defray the cost of travel to Massachusetts. For more details go
to http://www.wpi.edu/+CIMSREU |