Association for Women in Mathematics
Program ID: AWM-2025SYMPTRAVEL [#1708]Program Title: 2025 Symposium Travel Grant
Program Type: Fellowship or grant
Program Location: Providence, Rhode Island 02940, United States of America
Application Deadline: 2025/02/16 11:59PM

Program Description:

program Description
Thanks to support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the AWM will offer partial travel reimbursement to selected participants at the AWM Research Symposium taking place at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 16 - 18, 2025. Preference for funding will be given to speakers and session organizers who are graduate students, junior researchers and/or mathematicians from underrepresented populations.
If you have a speaker confirmation letter or e-mail notification, please attach a PDF of this document. If you are planning to submit a poster presentation for the symposium, you should not apply here (funding will be provided if your poster is accepted).
Registration for the meeting is required in order to be eligible for funding. Register here: (This fee will not be reimbursed by the AWM, even if you receive a travel grant.)
Deadline: February 15, 2025.
For travel support recipients, the AWM expects to reimburse actual, allowable expenses up to the stated amount of the travel award and after all requirements for reimbursement are met. If the proposed travel does not take place, no reimbursement can be made. Trip insurance cannot be reimbursed. Note that the AWM expects to reimburse tickets purchased two weeks in advance so if travel conditions are uncertain, consider waiting for that point. If opting to purchase a refundable ticket or one issued within two weeks of the conference, please include documentation of what the two-week advance purchase nonrefundable fare would have been, since the amount reimbursed cannot exceed that. If travel rules or procedures change, changes will be posted here and current awardees will be notified by email.
Application Materials Required:
- Submit the following item online at this website to complete your application:
- Speaker Confirmations (optional)
- And anything else requested in the program description.
Further Info:
- Association for Women in Mathematics
P.O. Box 40876
Providence RI 02940