American Mathematical Society, AMS Prizes and Awards

109 1593Program ID: Prizes-STEINEXPO25 [#1593]
Program Title: Elias M. Stein Prize for Transformative Exposition
Program Type: Prize or award
Program Location: Providence, Rhode Island 02904, United States of America
Application Deadline: 2024/05/31 11:59PMhelp popup* (posted 2024/01/31, updated 2024/01/24)
Program Description:    

*** the listing date or deadline for this program has passed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

program Description

The Elias M. Stein Prize for Transformative Exposition is awarded for a written work, such as a book, survey, or exposition, in any area of mathematics that transforms the mathematical community's understanding of the subject or reshapes the way it is taught.

About this Prize This prize was endowed in 2022 by students, colleagues, and friends of Elias M. Stein to honor his remarkable legacy of writing monographs and textbooks, both singly and with collaborators. Stein's research monographs, such as "Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions" and "Harmonic Analysis", became canonical references for generations of researchers, and textbooks such as the Stein and Shakarchi series "Princeton Lectures in Analysis" became instant classics in undergraduate and graduate classrooms. Stein is remembered for his ability to find a perspective to make a method of proof seem so natural as to be inevitable, and for his strategy of revealing the essential difficulties, and their solutions, in the simplest possible form before elaborating on more general settings. This prize seeks to recognize mathematicians at any career stage who, like Stein, have invested in writing a book or manuscript that transforms how their research community, or the next generation, understands the current state of knowledge in their area.

Nominations can be submitted between February 1 and May 31. Nominations should include a letter of nomination, a short description of the work that is the basis of the nomination, a complete bibliographic citation for the work being nominated, and a brief citation if the nomination is successful.

Nomination Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your nomination:
  • Bibliographic citation
  • Nomination Support Letter
  • Brief Citation
  • Short Description of Work
And anything else requested in the program description.

Further Info:
email address
201 Charles Street
Providence, RI 02904