American Mathematical Society, Programs and Travel Grants
Program Title: Graduate Student Travel Grants to 2024 JMM
Program Type: Graduate or early career program
Program Location: San Francisco, California, United States of America
Application Deadline: 2023/10/17 11:59PM

Program Description: *** this program has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
program Description
AMS Grants for Graduate Student Travel to the JMM
As the largest annual gathering of mathematical people in the world, the JMM provides its registrants a rich scientific program, opportunities to connect and network with others in the mathematical community, professional enhancement programs, workshops, career and job search resources, exhibits, and more.
Eligibility, Considerations, and Applications
- Applicants must…
- Be doctoral students in mathematics in their last two years of study.
- Reside and study in the United States.
- Applicants should…
- Provide evidence that their participation in the JMM will advance their research agenda.
- Show that support from this grant would be key to their traveling to the JMM site, i.e., that they do not have other substantial support that could be used instead.
- Applicants may…
- Use the grant to participate in JMM activities such as giving a talk in one of the sessions or serving as a panelist or workshop presenter.
- Provide an explanation for special circumstances surrounding their application.
Please note reference letters are NOT required or allowed. Applying for this travel grant requires an Institutional Authorization to be attached to your application. Please provide the email address of the individual at your institution who is your advisor, department chair, administrator or other faculty member capable of verifying your current graduate student status. Check the "send email on submit?" box, and when you submit your application, an email will be sent to that person to authorize your application. The representative of your school will receive a brief email, containing the link through which they will approve a statement verifying your status and the department's intent to match funding, if possible.
Application Materials Required:
- Submit the following item online at this website to complete your application:
- Institutional Authorization (to be submitted online by your institutions or supporters)
- And anything else requested in the program description.
Further Info:
- 401-455-4060
- Programs Department
American Mathematical Society
201 Charles Street
Providence, RI 02904-2294