Introduction to MathPrograms.Org

Welcome to MathPrograms.Org, the program application site from the people that brought you MathJobs.Org. This site is meant to allow programs in the mathematical sciences such as undergraduate summer research programs, small travel grant programs, and various "admissions" settings to have a site for accepting, reading, rating, and responding to electronic applications. As usual, security is a prime consideration and program directors who set up accounts will find themselves responsible for setting ALL faculty reader and group manager access to their account. They will also enter program announcements for public display and control their application forms. One department or organization can sign up for an account and use it up to seven times per year - for instance, for several different programs, or for one program that conducts several application cycles within one year.

There are many conveniences in the system:

  • applicants answer "cover sheet" questions only once, then proceed to make applications and answer customized questions

  • applicants sign up reference writers to submit confidential letters; one letter may serve for all programs applied to

  • program directors can assign read/rank/comment access to colleagues all over the world, if needed, during the application evaluation process; they can also limit access to just one application set or part of an application set

  • program directors can arrange a confidential EEO section in their application that will report compiled data

  • programs can download data to their own computers either for use in word processing or spreadsheets, or as a larger permanent storage file

This system was launched in July, 2009. If you have comments or questions about using the system, or about whether it is appropriate for your intended use, contact the AMS:

Hannah Ortiz
Programs Department
American Mathematical Society
201 Charles Street
Providence  RI  02888
800-321-4267, ext. 4060 

For departments and institutions not in mathematics and closely related fields, the same great service is available at AcademicProgramsOnline.Org.

In addition, if you would like to post information about your program on the AMS website in order to refer applicants to your MathPrograms posting, please enter your listing at the following site: Click on "Add New Listings," complete the template, and submit it for review.

[development base last updated 2025/01/04]