Brown University, Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics

Program ID: ICERM-GGM24 [#1625, GGM 2024]
Program Title: GirlsGetMath@ICERM 2024
Program Type: High school program
Program Location: Providence, Rhode Island 02912, United States of America
Subject Area: Mathematics
Application Deadline: none (posted 2024/03/11)
Program Description:    

*** the listing date or deadline for this program has passed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

program Description

GirlsGetMath@ICERM is a five-day non-residential mathematics program at Brown University. It is open to high schoolers, regardless of gender identity, who live in or near the greater Providence, RI area who will be entering the 10th or 11th grade in the fall of 2024. 

GirlsGetMath@ICERM invites 20-25 students to explore the mathematical sciences in an open and encouraging setting. Hands-on activities, interactive lectures, and daily computer labs are led by accomplished professional faculty who are enthusiastic about serving as scientific mentors and discussing a variety of careers that utilize a mathematical background. Potential topics include cryptography, the mathematics of voting, image processing, prime numbers and factoring, and fractals. 

The goals of the program are: 
  • to show high schoolers that the study of mathematics can be exciting, beautiful, and useful
  • to build confidence in students' mathematical knowledge through engaging and expert mathematical instruction 
  • to provide an affirming environment that introduces high schoolers to a variety of career opportunities in which sophisticated mathematical ability plays a key role
  • to emphasize the strategic role mathematics plays for success in STEM careers
  • to provide the participants with a support group and expert mentors who are successful undergraduate, graduate students, and professionals from the STEM workforce
  • to have a positive influence on the way girls view their mathematical interest and ability 
The faculty organizers (Amalia Culiuc/Amherst College, and Ulrica Wilson/Morehouse College), will be joined by undergraduate and graduate students who will serve as teaching fellows in the program. Two GirlsGetMath alumni** will be chosen to assist during the program as well.  

The program will take place at the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM) on the Brown University campus.

Tuition is $100. Full financial aid is available. Daily lunch included.

Participant Requirements:
  • Students must not have attended a previous GirlsGetMath@ICERM program (unless they are applying to be an alumni intern -- see below)
  • Students must be entering the 10th or 11th grade in the fall of 2024
  • Students must live in or near the greater Providence, RI area
  • Students must ask one math teacher to submit a letter of reference
To Apply as a Participant: 
You will need to create an on-line MathPrograms cover sheet, answer a series of brief questions, and hit the "Apply" button. You can edit your application up until the deadline. On the cover sheet, where it says "Reference #1", please enter your reference writer's name, email, and affiliation (school). IMPORTANT: Next to your reference's name, click on the box that says "email notify writer on submit"; this will generate an automated email asking your reference writer to submit a letter on your behalf through MathPrograms. Your reference writer should be a current or recent math teacher.

The application deadline has been extended to June 3, 2024. Notifications will be sent out in early June. 

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following item online at this website to complete your application:
  • Reference letter (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the program description.

Further Info:
email address
Brown University/ICERM
Box 1995
Providence, RI 02912