Clemson University
Program ID: 24-REU [#1576]Program Title: REU in Computational Number Theory
Program Type: Undergraduate program
Program Location: Clemson, South Carolina 29634, United States of America
Subject Area: Number Theory
Application Deadline: 2024/02/15 11:59PM

Program Description:

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program Description
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU):
participants will be introduced to various tools, techniques and
problems from Number Theory (modular forms) during an 8
week program from June 3 - July 26, 2024. The goal of the program will
be to help students attain a higher level of independence in
mathematical research by giving them the opportunity to take part in a
significant and interesting research project and conduct original
research. For more information and past REU
research, please visit
target audience for the REU is students that have a solid undergraduate
mathematics background such as courses in linear algebra, abstract
algebra, or analysis and/or have conducted some independent studies at
their home institutions. It is not expected that you have taken part in
an REU or conducted original research before this program.
1. Please note that due to funding agency requirement only US citizens and permanent residents will be considered for this program.
2. Applicants must not have finished their undergraduate degree by July 26, 2024.
3. Due to housing regulations we are unable to accommodate any participant who is younger than 18 by June 2, 2024.
Application Materials Required:
- Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
- Cover letter
- Statement of interest in program
- Transcripts
- List of math courses, GPA in those courses, and textbooks used
- Two reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
- And anything else requested in the program description.
Further Info:
- School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634