Program Listings  

High school program (1) • Undergraduate program (39) • Graduate or early career program (9) • Prize or award (18) • Fellowship or grant (4) • Teacher programAcademic admissionsInternshipsOther (12+)

Baruch College (CUNY), Mathematics
  1. [REU25] Discrete Mathematics and related, NYC Discrete Math REU (Undergraduate program)
Boston University, PROMYS
  1. [CA25] PROMYS Counselors 2025 (Undergraduate program)
Brown University, Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics
  1. [SI2025] Mathematics, Summer@ICERM: Undergraduate Summer Research Program: Building Useful Insights from Local Data (deadline 2025/02/04 11:59PM*, Undergraduate program)
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Carnegie Mellon University, Mathematical Sciences
  1. [REUSHD] Applied Math, REU: Sampling in High Dimensions (Undergraduate program)
  2. [REUSUAMI] Knot theory, Graph theory, Formal theorem proving, Numerical methods, Summer Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute (Undergraduate program)
Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas
  1. [IREUUNLCIMAT] Commutative Algebra, International REU in Commutative Algebra (Undergraduate program)
Duke University, Department of Mathematics
  1. [MATH2025] Mathematics, Math+ 2025 (Undergraduate program)
  2. [PRUV2025] Mathematics, Program for Research for Undergraduates (PRUV) 2025 (Undergraduate program)
Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Mathematics
  1. [REU] Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Mathematics (Undergraduate program)
Indiana University, Mathematics
  1. [REU] Mathematics, Research Experience for Undergraduates (deadline 2025/02/04 11:59PM, Undergraduate program)
Iowa State University, Department of Mathematics
  1. [ISUREU25] Combinatorics, Iowa State University Mathematics REU 2025 (Undergraduate program)
James Madison University, Mathematics and Statistics
  1. [REU] Biomath, Data Science, Topology, and Analysis, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (Undergraduate program)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Summer Geometry Initiative
  1. [SGI] Geometry, computer science, numerical methods, machine learning, Summer Geometry Initiative (Undergraduate program)
National Math Camps
  1. [COUNSELORS25] National Math Camps - Counselors (Undergraduate program)
North Carolina State University, Mathematics
  1. [NCSTATEDRUMS] mathematics, statistics, Summer 2025 REU (Undergraduate program)
Northwestern University, Mathematics Department
  1. [REU] Dynamics and Related Areas, REU in Dynamics (Undergraduate program)
The Ohio State University, Department of Mathematics
  1. [TOSUIM] The Ohio Summer Undergraduate Institute in Mathematics (Undergraduate program)
Princeton University, Mathematics
  1. [NSFSUMMERSCHOOL] Fluids, NSF-FRG Summer School on Fluid Dynamics and Computer Assisted Proofs (Undergraduate program)
SUNY Potsdam, Clarkson/SUNY Potsdam REU in Mathematics
  1. [REU] Mathematics, Associated Colleges of the Saint Lawrence Valley, Mathematics REU 2025 (Undergraduate program)
Texas A&M University, Department of Mathematics
  1. [PDESCHOOL25] Mathematical Modeling, PDEs, Numerical Analysis, Undergraduate Summer School on Modeling and Simulation with PDEs (Undergraduate program)
Texas A&M University-Commerce, Mathematics
  1. [REU] TADM-REU (Undergraduate program)
University of California, Irvine, Department of Mathematics
  1. [REUPPDES] Dynamical systems, partial differential equations, pattern formation, REU Patterns and PDEs 2025 (deadline 2025/02/03 11:59PM, Undergraduate program)
University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Mathematics
  1. [GEOREU25] Geometry and Topology, Geometry Topology REU at UCLA 2025 (Undergraduate program)
  2. [REUCAM25] Applied and Computational Mathematics, Machine Learning, Fluid Dynamics, Image Processing, Modeling, Simulation, Data Science, Fluid Dynamics, Applied and Computational Mathematics REU Program Summer 2025 (Undergraduate program)
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University of California, Los Angeles, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics
  1. [RIPS2025] mathematics, statistics, computer science, Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) (deadline 2025/02/03 11:59PM*, Undergraduate program)
University of Chicago, Math/PSD
  1. [REU] Mathematics, University of Chicago Mathematics REU (deadline 2025/02/07 11:59PM*, Undergraduate program)
University of Illinois at Chicago, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
  1. [REU] Mathematical Logic, University of Illinois Chicago REU in Mathematical Logic (Undergraduate program)
University of Michigan, Mathematics
  1. [UMREU] Mathematics, 2025 Mathematics REU Program - University of Michigan (deadline 2025/02/04 11:59PM*, Undergraduate program)
University of Minnesota Duluth, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  1. [25REU] Combinatorics, 2025 RESEARCH PROGRAM IN COMBINATORICS (Undergraduate program)
University of Minnesota Twin Cities, School of Mathematics
  1. [REU] Machine learning, neural network, group theory, Equivariant Neural Network REU (Undergraduate program)
University of Notre Dame, Department of Mathematics
  1. [2025CMNDUG] Topology and Algebraic Geometry, Undergraduate Workshop in Topology and Algebraic Geometry (Undergraduate program)
West Virginia University, School of Mathematical and Data Sciences/Research Experiences for Undergraduates
  1. [REU] Pure and Applied Mathematics, Undergraduate Research in Applied Analysis (Undergraduate program)
Williams College, Mathematics and Statistics
  1. [POLYMATHREU2025] Mathematics, Polymath Jr-REU2025 (Undergraduate program)
  2. [SMALL2025] Mathematics, Williams College SMALL 2025 REU (Undergraduate program)
  3. [SMALL2025CHIPFIRINGGAMESGRAPHS] Mathematics, Williams College SMALL 2025 REU CHIP-FIRING GAMES ON GRAPHS (deadline 2025/02/04 05:59AM*, Undergraduate program)
  4. [SMALL2025NUMBERTHEORYPROBABILITY] Mathematics, Williams College SMALL 2025 REU NUMBER THEORY AND PROBABILITY (deadline 2025/02/03 05:00PM*, Undergraduate program)
  5. [SMALL2025OPTIMALCONTROL] Mathematics, Williams College SMALL 2025 Optimal Control (deadline 2025/02/03 05:00PM*, Undergraduate program)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Mathematical Sciences Department
  1. [REU] Industrial Mathematics and Statistics, WPI Research Experience for Undergraduates in Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (Undergraduate program)
Yale University - Mathematics Department, SUMRY Program
  1. [SUMRY] Mathematics, Yale University SUMRY REU 2025 (deadline 2025/02/03 11:59PM, Undergraduate program)

(39 programs listed)